Our culture is inundated with the idea that problems can be easily fixed, i.e. with a pill, supplement, tea, etc. Rarely is that true. Consuming a placenta is a very small part of a larger, comprehensive care model that a person needs from their community.
Placenta Encapsulation
How it can help
Placentophagy (consuming the placenta) is positively associated with increased energy due to iron and copper levels, faster uterine and vaginal repair, less pain during recovery, improvement in cognitive function, and decreased anxiety due to a boost in oxytocin. Not only does oxytocin help anxiety but it encourages lactation and bonding with your baby . The hormones in the placenta have a similar effect to anti-anxiety medication though it’s important to understand that this can be one tool toward wellness, not a quick fix.
How it is prepared
The two prevailing methods for preparation are The Raw Method and The Gentle Method, which is inspired by The Chinese Method (TCM). True TCM can only be prepared by a Chinese herbalist but the steps are similar.
For The Raw method, I slice and dehydrate the raw placenta at 160 degrees according to Food & Safety Standards.
The Gentle Method lightly steams the placenta before dehydration and is the preferred method to ensure all bacteria are killed. The placenta is lightly steamed with medicinal herbs and oils then steamed at 145 degrees.
After prep, the dehydrated placenta is ground into a powder and placed into capsules. I use a 00 size and upon request can accommodate flavor preferences.
What method is right for me?
The Raw Method is best for parents who want to increase their energy and balance their hormones. It is best not to start this method until your milk supply is established.
The Gentle Method is the preferred option for parents who struggle with anxiety, hypertension, toxemia, insomnia or if you are caffeine sensitive. This style produces a smaller volume of capsules. If a mother is GBS+, always use this method.
A word about The Raw Method
Typically, The Raw Method of preparation utilizes a dehydration temperature of 118 degrees. This is not in alignment with Food & Safety temperatures for organ meats, which is 160 degrees. To provide you with the absolute safest product I will not follow the traditional Raw Method of encapsulation without informed consent from you and will instead dehydrate to 160 degrees to ensure bacteria is killed.