For those of us who want to make the world a little bit more like heaven on earth, there is literally no better strategic investment we could make into the future of humankind than the one we make for mothers and newborns.

Find Your Why

Learn about the health benefits of consuming your placenta

  • Alleviated postpartum bleeding

  • Enhanced uterine involution (uterus return to pre-pregnancy size)

  • Improved and accelerated healing and recovery

  • Reduced maternal postpartum pain

  • Prevention or treatment of anemia

  • Improved lactation

  • Facilitated bonding with newborn

  • Increased strength and vitality

  • Accelerated weight loss postpartum

  • Prevention and relief of headaches

  • Treatment and prevention of hypothyroidism

  • Replenishment and regulation of hormones

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Increased libido

The 2013 study, “Human Maternal Placentophagy: A Survey of Self-Reported Motivations and Experiences Associated with Placenta Consumption,” compiled the self-reported benefits mothers experienced with placental consumption.

Trace Minerals

  • Copper

    Copper helps the body absorb iron, increases white blood cells, supports the thyroid, and is anti-inflammatory.

  • Iron

    Iron restores your body’s hemoglobin levels and thus increases energy. Low iron is associated with low hormone levels, fatigue, the inability to concentrate, and symptoms of depression.

    Consuming one’s placenta is the iron equivalent of two blood transfusions!

  • Selenium

    Selenium has antioxidant properties which protect from free radical damage, aids the thyroid in hormone production and balance, aids in uterine recovery, and decreases the risk of postpartum depression.

  • Zinc

    Zinc is located in every tissue in our body. It is antioxidant, aids in hormonal balance, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It supports the immune system, increases energy, and assists in wound healing.

  • B6

    B6 can help prevent depression, improve mental clarity, supports the immune system, and aids in wound healing.

Other Things In the Placenta

  • Oxytocin

    Oxytocin (AKA the love hormone) helps alleviate maternal hemorrhage at birth by stimulating contractions that safely and effectively detach the placenta and enables lactation. When taken internally it reduces anxiety.

  • Progesterone

    Progesterone is released by the ovaries and helps regulate menstrual cycles, prepares the uterus for implantation, helps a woman retain her pregnancy, and prepares the mammary glands to produce milk. When ingested progesterone can promote mental clarity and general cognitive function postpartum. It has a similar effect to anti-anxiety medication and boosts energy.

  • Prostaglandin

    Prostaglandin is known as the “postpartum healer”. It helps reduce hemorrhages, inflammation, and can help repair vaginal and rectal tearing as well as the placental attachment site internally.

  • Estrogen

    Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone. It is anti-inflammatory and mobilizes white blood cells to fight infections.

  • Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)

    By the time a woman goes into labor, she has roughly 3x her pre-pregnancy CRH levels. This hormone helps us handle the intense stress of labor and delivery. Consuming the placenta can often slowly decrease these levels that would otherwise plummet post-delivery, resulting in a more stable emotional experience for the mother.

  • Prolactin

    Prolactin is mostly made in the pituitary gland and has over 300 functions in the human body. It’s main function is to help new mothers produce milk. 86% of women who consumed dehydrated placenta saw an increase in milk production!

  • Endorphines and Opioids

    These naturally reduce pain and alleviate stress in the body. They are highly concentrated in the placenta and when consumed flood the body with a sense of well-being. The main endorphin is called Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF) and it is more powerful than synthetic morphine.



Not all placentas are suitable for consumption. The following are a few reasons why we would not want to proceed.

  • The placenta was contaminated by exposure to meconium or chemicals,

  • Chronic substance of alcohol, tobacco or recreational drugs use (excluding cannabis)

  • Maternal or infant infection present at birth (100.4 temp or higher)

  • The placenta was sent to pathology

  • Is foul-smelling

  • Has been set out longer than 4-hours without refrigeration

  • Chorioamniontisis

  • COVID-19